This beggar is with you and within you...

Yogi Ramsuratkumar
Fortunate are those who come across a Gnani in their very life-time. Still more fortunate are those who recognise him for what he is and benefit from his divine association. One such Brahma Gnani is Yogi Ramsuratkumar, in whom thousands of people have found solace, succor and shanti in life.
Born on December 1, 1918, Yogi Ramsuratkumar was a hidden saint who lived as a beggar on the streets of Tiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu. In His quest for a Guru and the Truth, He travelled to South India where He met His three Gurus : Sri Aurobindo, Ramana Maharishi and Papa Ramdas. Papa Ramdas initiated him into “Om Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram” and said, “Go and repeat it day and night, all the twenty four hours.” In the course of seven days and seven nights, Ramsuratkumar made the great exodus from the Kingdom of man to the Kingdom of God. Ramsuratkumar became YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR, a savior of ignorant souls with a mission greater than his own liberation. Today, His Name, YOGI RAMSURATKUMAR provides help, guidance and protection to all those who chant it and is a sanctuary of peace, love and joy.

If you feel that prayer, meditation, remembering God is much more important than any other worldly matter, you will have more concentration in Japa
-Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar
“I can only say that, whatever exists is one life. Unity: nothing is separate, nothing isolated. This beggar is related to the Sun, to the Moon, to the Infinite Cosmos. This beggar is not limited to this body. All of us who are present here are not separate, isolated. They are part of me. Myself in all these forms. You see this Champak Tree, you see this Amla Tree, they are all part of my Life. They are not separate. They are not isolated. Myself in all these forms with all these names. I am the Total. I am the Whole, Absolute, Indivisible, Eternal Devaki. Limitless Life, Infinite Life. We are all one together, united, perfect unity in Father. Father in all. That’s all I can say.”
– Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar
Recorded in January 1994 by Ma Devaki Mataji at Sudama, one month after Bhagwan shifted there
My Father has given a new Name, fresh Name to the world -
A NAME for liberation !
- Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar
Remembering God is Life
Forgetting God is death
- Bhagwan Yogi Ramsuratkumar
Upcoming Events -

Feb 20th
Bhagwan's Mahasamadhi Day
Feb 19th - Feb 25th
Pujyasri Ramanacharana Tirtha Swamigal's (Noochur Swamiji) Pravachanam on
6:30 pm - 8 pm
Feb 23rd & Feb 24th
Bhagwan's Aradhana
Feb 26th
Mahashivratri Celebrations 9pm - 4 am
New Year's Eve Celebrations -
Dec 31st 2024, Jan 1 2025

December 1, 2024 - Yogi Ramsuratkumar Jayanti Celebrations

Ma Devaki Mataji's Dubai Yatra
November 2024

Ma Devaki Mataji's
North America Yatra
July - August, 2024
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South East Asia Yatra,
March - April 2024
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